Laughing Revival is grieving the Holy Spirit, swift judgement is coming to this
Movement that is possessing people our brothers and sisters with DEMONS! The GOD
OF CHAOS is ruling in places where this Laughing revival which are DEMONS
If you received your conversion at one of these places accepted Jesus and have
these symptoms as listed below QUICKLY seek the help of your Deliverer Jesus
Christ and go to another Pastor or lay pastor someone who knows about
Deliverance and GET DELIVERED before its too late! These people think they are
falling to the feet of Jesus Christ ! But they are falling to the feet of the
Anti Christ! Instead of the true Jesus Christ another from the pit of HELL!
Don't even walk into these buildings that have this movement going on unless you
are going there prepared to do Spiritual warfare! Jesus is going to be raising
up his prophetic/warriors to expose these demons but DON'T GO IN ALONE! Take
troops filled with the Power of the Holy Ghost that are mature warriors for
Jesus Christ and Knows Spiritual warfare! Go in Fasting and prayed up! Keep your
armor of God on renewing it by faith speaking it forth!
Before you enter make sure ALL sins are repented, turned away, and washed in
Jesus Christ's blood! Don't attempt exposing these wolves or helping these
people without having the gifts of Speaking in tongues! The Holy Spirit knows
the names of the demons! I am writing this under the anointing of the Holy
Spirit it is HIS instructions NOT mine!
Remember these lambs are being led to slaughter there souls lay on the altar of
Satan and they know it NOT! Protect your Soul do NOT be deceived NO matter what
you hear that you may agree with, partake of NONE of the services JUST pray! if
your called to intercede for these sheep who think they stand before the Good
Shepherd Jesus Christ,and instead stand before the BUTCHER of HELL! Watch the
demons tremble as Jesus sends forth HIS Prophetic/ Warriors to do battle with
the demons sent to POSSESS and TRANSFER the DEMONS to our other brothers and
Sisters in Jesus Christ!
Please hear me for the MOST part even the Pastors have been POSSESSED! Great
MONEY is being raised to promote these Demons in ALL the congregations! There is
a real falling in the spirit but there is a counterfeit! Pensacola and Toronto
laughing revivals that have invaded even main line churches BEWARE! But remember
for every moving of the Holy Spirit that is REAL there is a counterfeit! One
last warning the Holy Spirit is telling me to warn my brethren is DON'T LET
ANYONE LAY HANDS ON YOU AND PRAY who has been contaminated by this demonic
The people that are coming should be prayed for BUT don't lay hands on them!
Rebuke, bind, command those EVIL SPIRITS to LOOSE them! and GO TO THE PLACE
JESUS SENDS THEM! NEVER TO RETURN ANYMORE! If someone is to be delivered they
MUST WANT DELIVERANCE if NOT then DON'T CAST THEM OUT ! Bind up the demons till
the time of there deliverance! This end time revival is NO revival ! it is lambs
being led astray! They think they are finding the arms of Jesus Christ the Good
Shepherd and instead finding themselves being led to the God of CHAOS!
Jesus Christ will PUNISH all the Pastors who have endangered his Precious Lambs
and Sheep! Some are selling ALL just to come and experience Jesus Christ! NONE
of this lines up with the Bible! Read below and then write me and tell me what
your experiences has been. I am commanded to rip the mask off this movement! In
Jesus Christ's name we must stand together and Bind these demons away from our
brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ!
Pastors you must cleanse your Churches and repent and ask forgiveness for
bringing this movement into your churches! Jesus will forgive you but you are
held accountable for what you have known! Warn your people! Anoint your
Churches! Don't tolerate this GOD OF CHAOS in your churches anymore! But BEWARE
Don't stop the true movement of the Holy Spirit! Falling under the power of the
Holy Spirit is REAL you must have discernment to know which is genuine and which
is counterfeit!
Woe be unto the Pastor that brought this God of Chaos to USA ! Woe be unto the
Pastor that opened himself up to these demons, his name is Rodney Howard Browne!
REPENT today and Renounce this Evil! The same vessel that encaptured Jesus
Christ's sheep can help to set them FREE! But first he MUST get Deliverance
HIMSELF! Jan and Paul Crouch You helped promote this movement your held
accountable for this!
Repent Today! Turn away from this evil ! Get deliverance and expose this wolf in
sheeps clothing! Help me RIP OFF this God of CHAOS and MOCKERY that rules this
laughing revival! Lets MOCK Satan and his demons, Rip off this Mask once and for
Judgement has already started at the House of the LORD! This movement is even in
my small country assembly of God church! Same Symptoms as described below!
Pastor takes his Church to Pensacola at least ONCE a month and I live in
Indiana! Remember in the end time even the very elect will be deceived IF
possible! Offending some, enlightening others through the truth of Jesus Christ.
Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu
Revival...or Satanic Counterfeit?
While attending a business meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, I heard about a
revival that had "broken out" in the western part of Florida. Being a resident
of Florida and active in the Lord's work, this news caused my spiritual antenna
to go up immediately. I listened with rapt attention to the description of this
reported revival that began on Father's, Day 1995. By its description, it
sounded like a continuation or duplication of the widely acclaimed "Toronto
Revival." It was reported that some school teachers and students were "falling
to the floor" in their classrooms after attending this church in west Florida.
People all over the community were being changed by the experience they received
at this meeting. Thousands upon thousands -- in fact, it has been reported that
over two hundred thousand people from all over the United States and foreign
countries -- have attended this protracted meeting in Pensacola, Florida. Those
who keep the records report that over fifteen thousand conversions have taken
After returning home to Jacksonville, Florida, I prayed about whether or not I
should attend this meeting. Several days passed before I received a witness in
my spirit that it was o.k. to go and visit. I also discussed my plans with
Brother Thomas. His response was, "Go and see what it's all about. If God is
indeed visiting that place, we'll all go and partake." God wants us to have an
open mind and not judge or castigate something from a distance, but rather to
seek God with all our heart and truly measure all things in the "light of God's
word," and to also try the spirits. "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try
the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out
into the world." (I John 4:1).
Jesus sent the disciples out in two's, and the word says, "that in the mouth of
two or three witnesses every word may be established." (Matt. 18:16). Realizing
that there is wisdom in the multitude of counsel, I invited two of my Christian
brothers to go with me.
One of my traveling companions was Brother Elmer Enlow, a man of four score
years, with a wealth of experience under his belt. He has been an Army Chaplain,
has pastored several churches, was a college professor, and is a scholarly man
who has seen about everything in his lifetime. My other traveling companion was
Brother Felton Wall, who has traveled all over the world and also possesses a
wealth of experience.
Before our departure, I called the church in Pensacola to get directions and the
schedule of their services. One of the assistant pastors took my call and was
very cordial to me throughout the entire conversation. I had several questions
for him -- they were as follows:
Answer: "No, this is something new the Lord has done in this
area and is growing rapidly throughout the world."
2. Question: "Does a spirit of laughter overtake people during
your services?"
Answer: "Some of the people laugh, however, it is not all
consuming and is not a distraction to the service."
3. Question: "Do people fall to the floor after being prayed
Answer: "Yes, several do, however; some do not. What you need
to do is to come and experience this revival for yourself."
During this brief conversation I was told to come early or I would not get a
seat. The special revival services are on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
nights beginning at seven o'clock.
"Bright and early on Thursday morning, February 22, 1996, the three of us began
our four hundred mile journey to Pensacola to witness for ourselves the reported
revival and unusual phenomena that were taking place there. On the way we prayed
together, asking God to give us His wisdom and keen discernment to know what was
of God and what was of the flesh or the devil. Jesus said, "If any man will do
his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God or whether I speak
of myself." (John 7:17).
"As Christians we do not have to be in the dark concerning such matters. Jesus
also said, "My sheep follow me for they know my voice. And a stranger will they
not follow, but will flee from him for they know not the voice of strangers."
(John 10:4, 5). I can honestly say that all three of us were in agreement not to
prejudge or come to any conclusion before we sat through the entire service with
an open mind and honest heart.
"After having a late lunch and refreshing ourselves at the motel, we were on our
way to the church, prayerfully looking to God that He might have His way and to
keep us in His perfect will during the entire evening. We arrived at the church
at approximately five thirty p.m. on Thursday afternoon. Much to our surprise
people were arriving in large numbers even at five thirty. I spoke to a young
man in the parking lot and asked if he was a member of this church. He replied,
"I feel like a member -- this is my thirty-fifth service since the revival
began. However, I'm from Alabama." This response was not unusual as we soon
learned that quite a few of the people had become regular attendants traveling
several hundred miles every week. Surely something had an unusual power on these
people for them to faithfully return time after time.
"At last we were now in the church looking for a seat near the front so we could
hear and see all that the Lord would reveal to us. After we found our seats, we
took note of a steady stream of people pouring into the building. I asked
Brother Elmer and Felton to hold my seat while I circulated throughout the
sanctuary. I wanted to meet as many people as I could to find out where they
were from and why they had come to this meeting. I must report to you that I met
some very nice, kind, and sincere people from many states with a variety of
religious backgrounds. Many of them had been to this revival more than once and
some of them never before. I later learned that approximately one to two
thousand visitors came to each of the four services every week. All without
exception came for the same reason. They wanted to be "prayed for" and receive a
supernatural experience so they could take it back to their family and to their
Song Service
"At seven o'clock the service was called to order by one of the Elders and
everyone was welcomed and made to feel at home. He asked all the visitors to
raise their hands. There appeared to be several hundred if not a thousand
visitors. Everyone was exhorted to give themselves to worship and to let God
have His way in this service. As the musicians began to play and the singers
began to sing I noticed a young woman going down the aisle and she took a seat
about three pews in front of us. Just as soon as she greeted her friends she
immediately began to shake her head left to right in a boisterous manner. I
thought to myself, "Why is she doing that? Perhaps she has an infirmity,
Parkinson's disease, or some type of palsy." Since I did not know a lot of the
songs, I let my eyes scan over the congregation. I spotted quite a few people
(men, women, and children) jerking their heads. Some would jerk backwards, some
jerked side to side, and some jerked their shoulders as if they were frigid. I
pondered, "Whatever this is, it seems to be spreading throughout the
congregation." From time to time I could hear some laughter sprinkled here and
there. However, it was not so loud as to disrupt the service.
"The music gradually got louder and louder and the singing likewise grew louder.
The musicians and singers were extremely talented and were dancing in a tasteful
way as they performed flawlessly for us all. When I say "performed" I mean as in
a professional group that puts on a show for the audience. However, I must
hasten to add that I believe that they were very sincere in what they were
doing. The truth is, there was "no anointing" on it. I believe that the entire
song service was for the most part an exercise in the flesh. On one occasion,
one of the ministers interrupted the song service to exhort the congregation to
"let themselves go" ... "do not think about what you are doing" ... "just give
yourselves completely to the spirit." My Bible says that we are to "sing with
the spirit and with the understanding also." (I Cor. 14:15).
"On another occasion the visiting evangelist stopped the song service to say
this: "The devil is here tonight and wants to hinder this service. Well, I've
got news for him -- he has to go. He" (the devil) "has analyzers here tonight."
During the song service this young evangelist glanced at Elmer, Felton, and
myself on more than one occasion. I am sure we were sticking out like sore
thumbs, since we were obviously not taking part in the "wild frenzy" called
worship. He (the evangelist) went on to say, "If you must analyze, then look at
me, look at the musicians and singers, look at the congregation, look at the
person to the left of you and to the right of you, and just analyze, analyze,
analyze -- get it out of your system. Now let yourselves go: don't even think
about what you are doing, forget about those around you and what they are doing.
Release your mind -- release your spirit -- and let the mighty river of 'The
Holy Ghost' take you wherever He wants you to go." I thought to myself, "Sir, I
didn't just fall off a turnip truck, and although I'm not a genius, I wasn't
born last week either." I certainly wasn't going to open my spirit up to this
"wild, anything goes atmosphere." Jesus said, "Ye worship ye know not what . . .
But the hour cometh, and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the
Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him."
(John 4:22-23).
"The worship service, or shall I say the "wild fire service," lasted about one
hour and then we were given liberty to stretch our legs, go the bathroom, and
visit with our neighbors in the congregation. On my way to the bathroom, in the
foyer area, I noticed several tables full of audio and video tapes for sale.
What a coincidence--all these tapes appearing just in time for the intermission.
Commerce is alive and well in many churches today.
"During the intermission I engaged one of the elders in a conversation
concerning the purported revival. I asked if anyone in the church had visited
the acclaimed "Toronto Revival." He replied, "Yes, the pastor's wife has visited
there." I asked if her visit was before or after the Pensacola revival began. He
replied, "Oh, she visited several months before our revival began." Do you
remember the question I asked the assistant pastor concerning the Pensacola
revival? I asked him if this revival was similar to or related to the "Toronto
Revival." His reply was, "No, that this was new and not related." What a
coincidence! Could it be that the pastor's wife got the "blessing from Toronto"
and brought it back to Pensacola?
"I also asked this elder about the young woman who was shaking her head so
boisterously. He assured me that this was the "power of God" upon this young
woman's life. I asked if she did this only at church or if she continued to do
this in her everyday life? He said, "She only does this at church." He also told
me that several other young people had the same "gift" or "power" on their life
and that it was a great honor to have it.
"Pray tell me what glory would or could it bring to Christ to make someone shake
their head violently until they became so dizzy they had to lie down on the pew?
This poor girl got so dizzy she would literally fall down on the pew every
fifteen to twenty minutes and continue to shake her body even while she laid
there. Her friends covered her with a blanket so that she would not be exposed.
After fifteen minutes of lying down she would get back up to start her shaking
again. This cycle lasted for over four hours.
"In every case in the Bible when it speaks of palsy (or uncontrollable shaking)
it is either associated with a devil or an undesirable physical condition. In
both cases Jesus and Peter would either cast the devil out or heal the person.
"And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick
people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were
possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the
palsy; and he healed them." (Matt. 4:24). If those ministers had "the Power" or
any "discernment" they would have either cast the devil out or healed this
pitiful young woman. I must tell you that I had a strong desire to go and lay
hands on her and resist the devil, however, I knew they would have thrown us out
of the service, so I restrained myself.
Call To Order
"After the intermission, I heard the song leader call everyone back into the
sanctuary. The song service was continued for another fifteen minutes to get the
people "back up to an emotional high" for something very important. It was time
for one of the most (if not the most) important events of the night. It was time
to take up "the offering." A huge six foot six two hundred fifty pound man came
out and gave a very fervent appeal for a sizable offering. He said that the Lord
had revealed to him that one person would give fifty thousand dollars, and
another individual was to give one hundred thousand. He also said that the total
offering should be in excess of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
"I believe that the Lord can do anything, but I don't believe that God uses the
"power of suggestion" or psychology to get into the wallets of God's people. The
word says, "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give;
not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." (II Cor.
9:7). It is a shame and a disgrace the way ministers beg and plead for money.
You would think that God is poor and about ready to declare bankruptcy if we
little humans don't come to his rescue. God is not poor. "He owns the cattle on
a thousand hills" (Psalms 50:10). He owns everything.
Ministry Time
"The evangelist came to the pulpit and read two verses of scripture. (Rev.
12:10, 11) He spoke for approximately forty five minutes. Every ten minutes or
so he would say, "Don't leave me now ... just hang in there ... we'll get to the
good stuff soon," ("good stuff" meaning prayer time, when everyone would come up
front to receive the "power" and be slain in the spirit). Isn't that pathetic?
What could be more important than the word of God? Jesus said, "It is written,
Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the
mouth of God." (Matt. 4:4).
"A true minister called and anointed by God should never have to make excuses or
minimize the word of God. The apostle Paul preached until midnight on one
occasion because the need was so great and the people were hungry. (Acts
20:7-11). There is a famine in the land -- not a famine of bread or of water but
of hearing the word of God. (Amos 8:11).
"This evangelist took most of his time explaining where he had been and the
experiences that God had given him. He told of a great revival in England and a
great man of God who had thousands coming to his meetings and people standing in
lines for several city blocks waiting to get in. He told about walking over body
after body (people who allegedly had been slain in the spirit) trying to get to
the "great man of God" so that he too could be prayed for and receive the
"power" and be slain in the spirit. Guess what? He got his wish. Now, God has
called him to the United States to impart this great "power" and experience to
all that come under the sound of his ministry -- so he says.
"The speaker also spent a good deal of time comparing this revival to "The Great
Awakening" during the time of Jonathan Edwards. He was preparing the
congregation to receive an experience or some supernatural manifestation (more
specifically the gift of "supernatural power" via being slain in the spirit).
Could someone please show me in the scriptures where Christians are encouraged
or instructed to seek an experience, power, or some supernatural manifestation?
There is no such example in the entire Bible. "And ye shall seek me, and find
me, when you shall search for me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13). We are
to seek God not an experience. Jesus said, "An evil and adulterous generation
seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of
the prophet Jonas." (Matt. 12:39).
Altar Call
"After the message (or shall I say, "the psychological conditioning and
preparation"), he asked all of those who wanted to be saved to come to the
altar. Only a handful came forward. This disturbed the minister, so he reached
deeper into his bag of tricks and gimmicks. After thirty minutes of begging,
pleading, and cajoling he had quite a few up front at the altar. He did not
preach against sin nor did I discern any anointing upon his message.
"The apostle Paul's preaching was quite different: "And I, brethren, when I came
to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the
testimony of God. And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of
man's wisdom, but in the power of God." (I Cor. 1:2,4) After the apostle Peter
preached his sermon he did not beg or even give an altar call. "Now when they
heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the
rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?" (Acts 2:37). Any
preacher that God calls and anoints will have the same results as Paul and
Peter. We shouldn't have to beg or use manmade methods, for it is certain that
his word will not return void. (Isaiah 55:11).
Time For The Good Stuff
"After the altar call, the minister began to give instructions to all the
visitors who had come to receive "the power" and be slain in the spirit. He said
that we shouldn't let anyone pray for us unless they were wearing a purple
badge, which identified them as being a part of the official ministry team.
There were approximately twenty-five "Tag Team Duo's," one to do the praying and
one to catch the candidate (or shall I say the victim) before they hit the
floor. We were reminded again and again that God was in that place in "mighty
power" and thousands had already received this experience and we too should
expect to receive it by releasing our mind, our spirit, and just simply letting
go. I surveyed the congregation and I saw a "ripe and ready" group of people who
were "straining at the leash," as it were, to run forward and receive what they
all had been waiting for.
"All the "prayer teams" were in place. The "wild and fast-paced" background
music was setting the mood and stirring the emotions. There was only one thing
left to do: on your mark, get set, get ready, GO!! When the minister gave the
invitation to come forward, hundreds of people filled the front and every aisle
instantly. This is when "chaos" and complete "pandemonium" broke out all over
the place.
"Can you imagine? Loud music playing, over two thousand people clamoring, prayer
teams administering their "magical prayer," hundreds of people falling to the
floor and flopping around like fish out of water, and those left standing were
jerking their bodies in weird ways.
"If you were to take away the audio and play only the video portion of this
service to some stranger and ask them to describe what they were seeing, they
would most likely say that it was a "rock concert" where people were doing the
"jerk" (a style of dance) under the influence of LSD and other psychedelic
"I saw one woman bend slightly over and put her hands on her hips and begin to
flap her elbows up and down and move her head forward and backward like a
chicken. I wasn't close enough to hear her, but it would not have surprised me
if she had been cackling like a hen. Beloved, I don't believe the Holy Spirit
would make people act like animals. I do, however, believe that an unholy spirit
"I noticed one of the "catchers" that was behaving in a very strange manner. He
lifted his shoulders up toward his neck and leaned forward, which made him look
like the "hunchback of Notre Dame." As the candidates were falling he would ease
them down to the floor and then he would jump up and down repeatedly looking to
his left and then to his right with a diabolical smile on his face as if to say,
"Oh Boy! Oh Boy! there goes another one."
"I could go on and on about the strange behavior that we saw that night, but it
isn't necessary. My Bible says, "Let all things be done decently and in order."
(I Cor. 14:40). Elmer, Felton, and I left about twenty minutes before midnight
and the service (or shall I say the "circus") was still going strong. Only God
knows when they all went home.
"On our way back to the motel, we discussed our experience and weighed all that
we had seen and heard. "In the light of the scriptures" and we found it, to say
the least, "wanting." I believe that many, if not most of the people that
attended this meeting were very sincere in what they were doing. I might also
add, "the road to hell is paved with sincerity." Religious man without Christ
has a huge void that must be filled with something. There is something very
wrong and very evil about seeking anything other than Christ our Lord. We
shouldn't seek an experience, manifestation, or any type of phenomenon. Simon
the "sorcerer" was rebuked by Peter for his evil desire for "the power" to do
what Peter and the other apostles were doing. (Acts 8:18-21) The great preacher,
Dr. A.B. Simpson said, "You don't need healing; you need the 'healer.' You don't
need deliverance; you need the 'deliverer.' You don't need salvation; you need
the 'saviour.'"
Summary "In closing, I would like you to consider the following scriptures: "For
there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs
and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very
elect." (Matt. 24:24).
""And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because
they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this
cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That
they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in
unrighteousness." (II Thes. 2:10-12).
""Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy
name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful
works? And I will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that
work iniquity." (Matt. 7:22-23).
"Beloved, I know that I will have to stand before God one day and give an
account of what I have done and what I have said. I confess unto you that if God
calls me home today that I will stand by what I have written in this account
because of what the word of God teaches. I make no apology, but rather feel it
to be my responsibility and duty before God to be honest and tell the truth. "If
ye continue in my word," (not 'signs and wonders,' not seeking to be 'slain in
the spirit,' not anything else) "then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall
know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31, 32).
"Make up your own mind: -- does this eye witness account sound like "revival" or
is it a "satanic counterfeit?" You be the judge.